Friday, September 1, 2017

I never would have thought that posting and sharing information in a blog would be so beneficial to me and other educators!  I feel like the best time to learn about when to share an idea is if if your lesson was a success then blog about your ideas and pass the excellence to other educators. Also I feel like if their is a lesson that you really liked, but did not want to share to the whole world then it is fine to keep to yourself! Educators always want to feel like they can be the best teachers out there!
I think if someone does not want to share through a blog then it is still very beneficial to do that face to face. Passing knowledge can be expressed in many different ways!! The best way to accept other community members comments is to accept that we all teach with different styles and ideas so be open to other perspectives in the field. When writing in a blog, I feel like it should be professional formal writing because we are all educators trying to share positive ideas and thoughts regarding kids in our field.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Natalie!

    I like your take on when to share an idea or lesson by blogging but I wonder why if people find a lesson so fascinating why they wouldn't feel inclined to share it. So I think people should always post about their new findings regardless of whether or not they personally believe it beneficial or not. Now don't get the wrong idea, I do not believe it needs to be shared only through blogging. I think it is very important to have face to face interaction or lessons. I prefer it truthfully.

    I enjoyed your post! Thank you!
