Thursday, October 26, 2017

Major Project- Language Arts Lesson (Week 1)

Good Morning Parents and or Guardians! Welcome to Ms. Dispenza's first grade class blog!  These upcoming post are going to be covering all of the different lessons that our class will be completing in the Fall Unit. The Fall Unit is going to last about six weeks. Each week, I will post what we did for each particular lesson through our different class Thinglinks. This week in our class Thinglink, I have three different activities that your child has to complete. The first button includes a video recording of Apples and Pumpkins written by Anne Rockwell that I created on Secondly, I have pictures of the physical book for your child to follow along in Thinglink with the audio recording. I turned the pictures into a book by using the MyStory app on our class iPads. From the beginning of the school year, we have been working on how to use the MyStory app. I feel confident enough that my students know how to use the app properly. So for the last part of our fall unit language arts lesson I am requiring the students to retell the Apples and Pumpkins story in his or her own words. They can make it as creative as they would like.  If you have any questions just email me or you could comment on our class blog page. Have a wonderful day! 
Here is a song that we have been singing all week since we are learning about apples in our language arts lesson! 

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