Thursday, November 30, 2017

Technology Beyond the Blackboard

I decided to develop my Summary of Learning reflection through emaze to ultimately create a interactive and visually appealing presentation. I truly appreciated learning how to use this tool properly because I have never experienced it before. Emaze is a quick and efficient tool to use to create presentations as opposed to just using standard powerpoint. Within my emaze project, I included key elements of the course such as: PLN, Cool Tools, Major Project, and Reflections. Click here, to check it out!

As I continue to reflect on this course, I always fall back on how I can take this knowledge and actually transport it into a classroom. From the knowledge of this course, I feel more prepared to incorporate TPAK with my teaching dispositions. Learning in a Apple Distinguished school allows everyone to have the same technology opportunities as each other, which helps future educators have access to the newest teaching softwares and applications. As I reflect on my decision of attending Seton Hill, I just go back to being grateful that I attend a school so vastly involved with the newest technology pedagogy. Technology is the future and the ones that avoid get left behind. As educators, we always have to keep up with the times or else we will get replaced by newly certified teachers. So as we continue through this educational journey just remember to believe in the importance of technology! Thank you so much for following me through this inspiring and encouraging journey!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Major Project- Final Post

I can not believe that these six weeks have gone by so fast! I absolutely loved my topic for my Major Project! I learned so many new ways to introduce technology in a classroom environment. Before I took the Principles of Instructional Technologies course, I was very hesitate of having technology embedded into my future classroom. I kept telling myself that technology is so prevalent in our society that it will never go away. Especially now more than ever since we have children in schools that have never lived without these new advancements in technology. But through this Major Project I have learned and became confident with establishing technology curriculum in my future classroom.

As I continue to reflect on my major project, I noticed that I adjusted my topic lessons slightly from my original mind map. I changed my Social Studies and Science lessons from community helpers and animals habitats to hibernation and the First Thanksgiving lessons. As I was working throughout my Major Project I felt like it would be beneficial to adjust those two lessons for where I wanted to go with my 'students' and to keep up with the whole Fall Unit ideology. I used various resources to help make my project very tech savvy. Each week, I uploaded different thinglinks with all of the unique cool tool resources that I used to explain step by step each lesson plan. After creating my weekly thinglinks, I ended up creating blog posts of each lesson plan throughout this entire Fall Unit. I also only used photos from Flickr or from my own camera just to avoid going against any copyright or creative common laws. Here is the link of my overall thinglink account, if you want to check it out!!
Throughout my Major Project, I had the experience working with various types of cool tools such as Canvas, Speakpipe, mystory, Sock Puppets, Powtoon, and Time Teacher Lite. Most of these tools where very easy to use but some such as PowToon, Sock Puppets and made it a little bit more challenging to incorporate into my lessons. For example, I created my First Thanksgiving movie using PowToon and I had to create it under google chrome instead of Safari since I could not add or change any of the pictures. Also whenever I copied the link from my published PowToon video into thinglink it only displayed the picture of the video not the correct link to the actual video. I even went to the solution center and they couldn't even figure it out. This was just one of those instances that I decided not to worry about it since this was out of my control. I ended up having the link embedded into my weekly blog post so people could have access to it. On the other hand, Sock Puppets, the iPad app, was applicable with my thinglink account except that the free app only could let you record a video for only 30 seconds. If I was using this app in my classroom I would just pay for the tool to have longer recording time. Lastly, I used two different games from that I thought where appropriate for each lesson however they would only work in google chrome not safari. 

Throughout this whole process, I have learned how to be patient with technology and also be creative with it. I learned how to create and set up lesson plans that revolve around the usage of technology. This project truly opened up my eyes to how technology can benefit you and your students in a classroom. The world is quickly changing from all of these rapid technology advancements and one must keep up with the trend to not fall behind. Keeping up with the changing trends will have me connect with my students year after year. I want to be the kind of teacher that is always learning about new tools and resources to incorporate into my technology savvy class! I am glad to have gone through this beneficial and educational journey!  I want to thank you for reading this last blog post and following me throughout my Major Project!  

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Major Project- Social Studies Lesson (Week 5)

Good Afternoon Parents and Guardians! This is my last blog post within our fall unit! It is hard to imagine that we have completed all five weeks in this unit! Time surely flies when you are having fun learning!! This week our social studies lesson was focused on the importance of the First Thanksgiving and the journey that the Pilgrims endeavored. I started out this lesson with a video that I created on PowToon about our First Thanksgiving. I broke it down into five basic events that all tied into how the Pilgrims left England seeking religious freedom and ended up in North America. I loved watching the kids reaction to the story! It was Priceless! At the end of the video, I asked them a question concerning 'what do you think would have happened if the Pilgrims never met the Native Americans?'. Some of the students came up with the most logical and creative answers. After our fun problem solving art activity, I brought out our class iPads and introduced a new game called "Build A House". This is a interactive game that I found on It offers different features to make a house such as doors, windows, chimneys, and outdoor accessories! This social studies lesson ties up our Fall Unit, now on to our Holidays and Culture Unit! Of course, I have another thinglink with more information about what we learned this week! Please feel free to contact me with any questions! Happy Thanksgiving!
Here is an example of our problem solving art activity!! 
This is a picture of the website that we learned how to build our virtual home! 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Major Project- Music Lesson (Week 4)

Good Afternoon, Parents and Guardians! We are now in the fourth week of our Fall Unit!  After a lot of reflection about last year's fall unit music lesson, I decided to use the same lesson except incorporate technology within it. This week, Ms. Dispenza's 1st grade class dove into this fun and exciting lesson. I started out our music lesson with playing different Disney cover songs through the sock puppets app. I actually used my singing skills to create all of the videos. My favorite sock puppet video was when I sang "I see the light" from Tangled. I turned these videos into a hands on and interactive guessing game. As I played these different cover songs the students had to look around the room for the Disney movie picture that matched the song I was playing. To end the lesson, I allowed the students to use our class iPads to make their own video on the sock puppets app. Every child had the option to work in pairs or alone on this project. We have been working with this sock puppets app for most of the school year so I had full confidence that every child would be able to complete the project. Of course, I would answer any questions that my students might of have! I also started using this fun turkey hockey pokey video to help transition from each aspect of the lessons that we completed throughout the week!
Again I have another thinglink for our music lesson. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Major Project- Science Lesson (Week 3)

Good Morning Parents and or Guardians!! This week we dove into learning about hibernation! I wanted to briefly introduce hibernation this week, but whenever we officially enter Winter I will retouch this process. I started out my hibernation lesson with an audio recording that I made on reading The Leaves Are Falling One by One by Steve Metzger. I had the students stand near the windows and listen to the recording and look for any colorful leaves or animals. I wanted to introduce different learning styles with this recording by how auditory learners were listening to a story, visual learners could look outside to count the leaves, and lastly kinetic learners were able to stand up instead of sitting in their desks. After the audio recording, we went on a nature walk outside to take pictures of how the trees are starting to change colors. I also talked about how we might not see any animals because they are starting the hibernation process soon. Lastly, I created an infographic providing the definition of hibernation and how trees become dormant. I had two examples of animals that do hibernate and two that do not hibernate. The children really loved learning about this concept.  Of course, I have another thinglink where all of these resources are provided regarding this lesson. As always have a wonderful day! Contact me with any questions!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Major Project- Math Lesson (Week 2)

Good Afternoon Parents and or Guardians! This week in our fall unit, our class focused primarily on gaining the skills to acquire the concept of reading and telling time!! The students really enjoyed this lesson since I added a new app to our class iPad collection! I have another thinglink that is here to serve as a guide to help your child be able to complete and master telling time. Within this week's thinglink, I have four buttons that elaborate what we discussed and learned in class. The first button is an instructional video describing how to tell time by rhyming with analog and digital clocks. Secondly, I created a hands-on activity in class that allowed each students to decorate his or her own clock and then we practiced moving the big and little hand around the clock to help visually show how a clock works. On the third button there is a link that takes you to a really cool website called where there is an interactive time travel game. This just gives the kids another opportunity to master telling time. Lastly, the fourth button is a picture of the main menu for the new app on our class iPads called Time Teacher Lite. If you have any questions please contact me through my email or our class blog! Have a wonderful evening. Happy Fall!!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Major Project- Language Arts Lesson (Week 1)

Good Morning Parents and or Guardians! Welcome to Ms. Dispenza's first grade class blog!  These upcoming post are going to be covering all of the different lessons that our class will be completing in the Fall Unit. The Fall Unit is going to last about six weeks. Each week, I will post what we did for each particular lesson through our different class Thinglinks. This week in our class Thinglink, I have three different activities that your child has to complete. The first button includes a video recording of Apples and Pumpkins written by Anne Rockwell that I created on Secondly, I have pictures of the physical book for your child to follow along in Thinglink with the audio recording. I turned the pictures into a book by using the MyStory app on our class iPads. From the beginning of the school year, we have been working on how to use the MyStory app. I feel confident enough that my students know how to use the app properly. So for the last part of our fall unit language arts lesson I am requiring the students to retell the Apples and Pumpkins story in his or her own words. They can make it as creative as they would like.  If you have any questions just email me or you could comment on our class blog page. Have a wonderful day! 
Here is a song that we have been singing all week since we are learning about apples in our language arts lesson! 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Mind Map

Hello! I am about to start my major project for my instructional technology course. I decided to base my project on creating a fall unit for a first grade curriculum. I am gearing towards using various tools and resources that I learned in class to incorporate into the different lessons for my fall unit. I can't wait to begin and see where this project takes me! More information will follow soon!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Week 9 PLN

This week, I learned about the new evolving digital classrooms and different flexible learning spaces. Most schools and educators are now choosing to use these tactics in order to help benefit their students attention span. The Not Old School video, describes how architects are changing the way they develop schools. These three new elementary schools in Concord, New Hampshire designed   multiple learning environments for students to move around throughout the day in order to stay motivated and focused. This new digital classroom revolves around a library that overall shapes the infrastructure of the building. The school offers natural lighting which helps with children being able to read in appropriate lighting. The children within the school feel trusted and responsible from their teachers allowing them to walk to different learning areas to work on assignments such as projects, group work, or just reading in the natural light.

Other places are also adopting this new ideology behind students working better in a flexible learning environment. From Education changing and evolving to this new ideology allows educators to be able to connect with students one on one. By having moving desks allows children to fidget and move while not having them sit still for hours in a desk. Making classroom environments with desks that move also gives teachers to make lesson plans where kids could break up into groups or use the fishbowl method.  This allows students to collaborate more since it is easier to break up into little groups. Overall, the main point of this study is when someone is moving so is his or her brain. When a child is active he or she is able to stay focus and can easily transition to other lessons more efficiently.

I definitely think this concept of flexible learning environments is a great resource to find the most effective way to teach children. In my future classroom, I would really love to have these tools such as the moving desks and more natural lighting to help me incorporate entertaining and engaging lessons. I definitely loved learning about this new upcoming change in education because I think it will benefit students and teachers to help each child learn to his or her best ability.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week 8 PLN

This week in my Principal Technologies class, we got to experience a live chat and learn about a teacher that incorporated Ebooks into his classroom. Mr. Smith decided to use this tactic of ebooks to motivate his students to learn different literacy skills while incorporating technology. As a society, we are in a global age of sharing our work through social media. Mr. Smith started this project called "The World Is My Audience" where he shared and sold the student's Ebooks. Multiple teachers are starting to use this tactic throughout their classrooms to reach and motivate their students. For example, Mrs. Gibbon's class created a Christmas book that helped them with their reading and writing skills. Her special education students also gained enough confidence by creating this story that they went to a preschool to read to the preschoolers.

Ebooks can be incorporated into special education classrooms by helping develop motivation and excitement for learning. A speech pathologist contacted Jon Smith about his success using Book Creator to help her reach her students. The autistic students were having difficulty with social skills, so by using book creator they created inactive books to help them with these skills. Overall, the results were priceless, her class became so engaged and always wanted more ways to learn more.

There are various resources out there to help educators and students incorporate Ebooks into their everyday learning through iPads and Androids. Ebooks allows teachers and students to share their work globally. This is really directing education into a virtual classroom. According to E-Books and TPACK article, "...using e-books, children tend to more naturally investigate words, images, and interactive, tap-to-hear word pronunciations, built-in dictionaries, definitions, games, and puzzles". Using TPACK with Ebooks allows an educator to incorporate all three of these aspects within Ebooks. Ebooks also have scaffolding throughout it to help develop new literacy skills for young children. Ebooks is a vast and exciting thing to incorporate into a classroom. Definitely a tool that I will be using to help go beyond the standard requirements of teaching with my future students!!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Sock Puppets

This week, I got to the opportunity to use various apps and websites to describe a story. Storytelling is key to any classroom environment. The app that I ended up selecting was called Sock Puppets. Sock Puppets is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. Sock Puppets allows you to create a video using different sock puppet characters. To begin, you first pick out your characters then decided what kind of background that best fits the story. After that you have the option to use various props within your video; however, props that have a red box around them can not be moved once the recording process begins. If a prop has a yellow box around it that means that you can move the prop around during the recording process.
I worked on this video with the collaboration of my fellow colleagues: Lauren Reitz and Savannah Smith. We decided to create our story about two students fighting over a microphone and then we described how they must learn to share. At the end of the clip, we had the two students apologize to each other for not sharing. This video would be good to present to younger children about how to share his or her toys. The only problem that we had with this tool was that it only could record for 30 seconds, since we had the free version. We wanted to incorporate classroom rules on how to share, but with the short recording timing we could not talk about it in our video. If you plan on using this app in your future classroom, I would invest in getting the $3.99 version so you could have the longer recording time.
I would use this in a classroom to just switch things up instead of just reading from a hard back book. This app also allows students to be creative with storytelling without having to come up infront of the class to present or role play. This app gears towards students in elementary school. I think this would help a teacher that was teaching kindergarten-2nd grade make creative reading lessons, but have 2nd-4th graders actually creating their own stories. Sock Puppets app is a little confusing for some students just because there are multiple steps before you even start recording. Once you start to record you have to press on the character that is talking so his or her lips with sync up with your recording after you are done. Saving the story can be a little confusing because basically, you can save it to your camera roll, email, or directly post it to your youtube channel. Overall, this tool would be a great addition to any future educator going into early childhood education to incorporate into his or her classroom.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Copyright and Creative Commons

This week I learned about copyright and creative commons laws. These sets of guidelines show how creators and innovators are able to protect his or her original works and ideas. According to the Fair Use and Copyrighting for Teaching article, copyright protects literacy, musical, dramatic, pantomime, graphic, motion pictures, and sound recording works.
For anyone trying to use a copyright work online they must contact the original user to be granted permission to use the material in any shape or form. From the original owner granting permission they acquire a license fee from the interested user. Overall, this system helps keep original artists be able to keep his or her work under there name. In this blog post, I will be referencing to the artist/creator by "original work" and the person wanting to use that work as "the user".

Another contributing factor that we use to save artists original work is Creative Commons.  Creative Commons is a way that original creators can share their work by how they create the license. There are multiple different criteras that one can incorporate. For examples, users that have Creative Commons they can just have the option of "Attribution by _". This allows everyone to know that you can share this piece of information but always have the original creator's name attached to it. Another option is having it as no commercial, which means a person can not sell the original work to anyone. However, a person could print out the picture onto a t-shirt but can not sell it. No derivatives is another option meaning that one can not change the original piece of work. This allows the original creator to not worry about people changing his or her ideas. The last option that one can have on his or her license is share alike. This criteria forces whoever is sharing the piece of original work that he or she cites the original creators. For example, lets pretend that sally wants to share a painting of a small village in Italy on her blog, she would still have to claim who was the original painter based on the share alike criteria.

This video described how the different options that you can use with Creative Commons that have different amounts of freedom for the interested user. The least amount of freedom that a user can have with creative commons is the no commercial and no derivatives options. This limits the user by not allowing them to sell any of the original producer's work and one can not change the original work. Artists that use Creative Commons and just has the options of attraction and share alike have the most freedom. This allows the user to be able to do whatever to the piece as long as they keep the original creator's name on the post.

Sunday, September 24, 2017


The cool tool that I learned about this week was how to make a Infographic. I designed my own infographic on a website called Canva. Canva is free to make an account, but some design options you have to pay for. This week, I used this cool tool by demonstrating how you can make a Cannoli. There are multiple different templates and layouts to choose from for your infographic. To make your infographic unique you could add photos, grids, frames, shapes, lines, text boxes and illustrations. Canva offers you to share, download, and order prints of your infographic.

For future educators, I would recommend using this for students in middle or high school. The setup of Canva is too complex for students in elementary school. Under each layout there are multiple different options that you can choose to design, however; students have to decipher what options are  free or cost money. To use a text box, one might have to decipher what option to choose from which can be a challenge for younger students. Text Box offers a heading, subheading, and little body of text options which could challenge younger students to know what to do.

Overall, Canva is a great source for teachers, middle or high school students. It offers a creative way to give out information. Technology is therefore another aspect in our classroom by using a tool such as Canva. A lesson that a teacher could do is the steps of the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly or a cooking recipe to complete with his or her students. I would use Canva in my classroom as another tool to keep my students engaged in the lesson. Canva displays information in a colorful and creative way that can catch the eye of your students. I will definitely be using this tool in my future classroom!

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is the way to navigate and explore the internet to become media literate. The five ethical issues are identity, participation, ownership, trustworthiness, and participation. My Digital Citizenship in my personal life helps me to be able to connect and share with family that lives in California and Colorado through social media. As a professional standpoint, my digital citizenship must be clean and no convey any bad reputations or rumors about me. I have to watch out that my online identity, following the five ethical issues, is not a unprofessional representation of me. Becoming a future educator, I have to always be careful about posting or sharing photos or videos online. If a school district does not like something that I posted online, I might not get that interview. Sarah from"Everyone-Think Before You Post" video demonstrated how whatever you post everyone can have access to that information. This video represented that what you post can hurt you when you are looking in the job market. Unlike, Sarah's behavior and reputation from the "Everyone-Think Before You Post" video, I can not post things that will ruin my reputation as trying to get hired as an educator.

The Digital Dossier shows are participation in digital citizenship without our total knowledge of knowing that it is going on. Apparently, we start building our Digital Dossier even before we are born. For example, we could post pictures of our new baby boy: Bob. People come to meet the new baby and post pictures on various online medias. The new child leaves a digital path as he grows up. Eventually, Bob gets married and then has his wife's digital citizenship attached to his name now and the cycle just continues. Overall, we never know where are digital footprint lies on the unlimited internet world. On that note, one must be very careful on what he or she is posting.

According to 11 Facts About Cyber Bullying, "70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online". This statistic is a very unfortunate fact about how we treat people with our Digital Citizenship. Luckily, I have never experienced cyber bullying even though I have social media accounts. Some advice for avoiding the issue is to just be respectful to others around you. Trust your friends to not post embarrassing videos or photos of you. Some parents and adults might look back on all of the negativity of Digital Citizenship and not want future generation to experience the bullying that he or she went through. A participatory culture is when people are the consumers and the producers. From the usage of technology, makes our culture follow the participatory trends.To conclude, treat others the way you want to be treated. For more tips and facts about Cyber Bullying check out the links below.

Here are the links to online bullying and the think before you post video:

Friday, September 15, 2017


This week in Principles of Instructional Technologies, I learned all about TPACK. The word TPACK means Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge and HOW, WHEN, and WHY to follow this method. TPACK is a way for teachers to make learning accessible to children around the globe. Teachers can also use the three different ideas interchangeably. For example, PCK is Pedagogy Content Knowledge which informs the best methods for teachers to use in his or her own content areas. TCK meaning Technology Content Knowledge means the mastering of subject matters through the use of technology in the classroom.
According to Nada Abisamra, "Technology integration is the " 'pervasive and productive use of educational technologies for purposes of curriculum-based learning and teaching' ". Nada explained in her article that teachers have trouble adjusting to using technology and pedagogy together because they did not grow up using technology in the degree that kids today are experiencing. Also some teachers do not have the expertise to incorporate technology into classroom settings. 
 Referencing back to the TPACK 101 video, there are three different ways that TPACK can benefit in your teaching style.  The first ways is TPACK teaches you the different domains of teaching so you can develop in those areas. Secondly, TPACK enables you to communicate and collaborate with teachers. Lastly, this method provides a set of lens to view technology integration and determine the effectiveness. I think TPACK is a great way to incorporate all aspects of our teaching into three simple categories. I will for sure remember to use this thinking ideology in my future classroom. 

Here is a helpful article by Nada Abisamra explaining how teachers use TPACK . 

Also the link to the TPACK 101video

Speak Pipe

Hello! Today I learned a great new audio tool, called Speak Pipe. Speak Pipe offers free audio recording for all devices, such as iPads, iPhones, iPods, and androids devices. Basically, to make an audio file you make a free account then start recording. Speak Pipe can save your records and give links of them. My first recording that I decided to do was read a childhood story "Hiss Howl Hoot". One recommendation that I suggest is to use this website through Google Chrome instead of Safari because then you will not have to download adobe flash player.

A future educator can incorporate Speak Pipe into his or her classroom by using this tool for students to listen to the teacher reading a story. You could break up the classroom into different groups and have a listening table station of you reading a story to the students. Speak Pipe can also be a way to show a child's progression throughout the year. You could record a student reading a book in the beginning of the year and then at the end and see how they have progressed throughout the school year.

Speak Pipe would be a great addition in the classroom because this tool is easy to use. Elementary teachers could incorporate this into their classroom by teaching all of the students to press the record button and then save it. I think students would like this tool because it is so simple and children love using technology. A way that it could be challenging is wether or not the students would create their free accounts or just have a "classroom account" with a universal username and password. Another challenge would be to make students accessed Speak Pipe only through Google Chrome as opposed to Safari. Speak Pipe is definitely going to be a tool that I will incorporate into my future classroom.
Check out my new audio tool recording through!!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Open Classroom

Education: The openness to share

As future educators, we connect our classroom in various ways through sharing and blogging about new discoveries in education! We can connect our community through open, networking, and participatory ideas by giving everyone an opportunity and access to learn. Some children are not fortunate enough to have access to knowledge in a classroom setting, but with educators sharing their lesson plans and projects we give everyone the opportunity to succeed. An open classroom means a classroom that can be shared, remixed, and learned by the resources that are in a given classroom! As we continue to grow into the future, I feel like this will benefit students across the globe by being able to access and connect to other classroom and or textbooks. So reuse, redistribute, remix, and revise your resources to give others a chance to access knowledge!

Haiku Deck

 Good Evening!

Today I learned about a new cool tool called Haiku Deck!! This website is similar to the setup of powerpoint or google docs. Overall, I would recommend Haiku Deck for educators or students from 7-12th grade because the website was confusing on how to work the application. I feel like the website gears towards a fantastic resource for teachers. So go check it out!

Friday, September 1, 2017

I never would have thought that posting and sharing information in a blog would be so beneficial to me and other educators!  I feel like the best time to learn about when to share an idea is if if your lesson was a success then blog about your ideas and pass the excellence to other educators. Also I feel like if their is a lesson that you really liked, but did not want to share to the whole world then it is fine to keep to yourself! Educators always want to feel like they can be the best teachers out there!
I think if someone does not want to share through a blog then it is still very beneficial to do that face to face. Passing knowledge can be expressed in many different ways!! The best way to accept other community members comments is to accept that we all teach with different styles and ideas so be open to other perspectives in the field. When writing in a blog, I feel like it should be professional formal writing because we are all educators trying to share positive ideas and thoughts regarding kids in our field.
Had a blast learning about how an educator can apply math with taking pictures yesterday! The tool that I have decided to use to create a picture college of all of the interesting photographs that I took was through LiveCollage. This app features tools that can edit and view pictures and videos, while also having different themes to create postcards! I think using LiveCollage would be very beneficial to use in a classroom setting because it allows a child to be creative and open with photography. One way that I would incorporate this tool into my future classroom is creating a lesson where the students would go out and explore nature and take different pictures then make a collage with his or her cool findings.
Students could use the LiveCollage app to show his or her work to parents. LiveCollage makes the app easy to use because all of your collages are saved under your photo library on your device. The only thing challenging about this app is that it is easier to use depending on the class age range. I think using LiveCollage is a good way to show kids how to use a device through photography!!
For more information on this cool app just head to the App Store and download it for free today!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

South Korean Jewelry Box

Hello! I have decided to bring in my jewelry box from South Korea to share with my fellow colleagues. My brother was working in South Korea for a month and returned home with this lovely item for me. This jewelry box make me feel that my brother is always with me even if he is traveling around the world for work. I like really the jewelry box because I have never seen anything like it before!!